
Workshop Call for Submissions!
Forest City Gallery is delighted to announce its open call for artists to submit workshop proposals for The Media Collaboratory (or Collab, for short).
The Collaboratory is an on-site resource outfitted with communal equipment and software necessary for the production, post-production, and marketing of artistic work (visual, performance, music, video, new media and sound work). The objective of the workshop series is to support artists in expanding their skill sets, networks, and expertise to further their careers in the arts and cultural sectors through access to shared resources and free workshops.
We are seeking proposals for workshop of two types:
1. Workshops that address themes of professionalization, skill-building, or community gathering.
This could include: grant writing, how to apply for residencies, how to document your work, website building, artist contracts, or any skill-based workshop that engages with artistic professional development.
2. Workshops that endeavor to investigate technological tools, interdisciplinary and experimental approaches to new media and emergent technologies.
This could include: skill sharing and process based inquiry, technological experimentation, production or post-production of new media based work, workshops designed to approach analogue or digital technology from a low-barrier point of view.
We support artists interested in submitting workshop proposals that offer alternative approaches to collective & peer-to-peer learning or workshops which approach professionalization as forms of support. Selected applicants will commit to leading their workshop for a duration of 2 - 4 hours as a one-off session or a single recurring session and will receive a CARFAC artist fee. A small materials budget is available pending budgetary approval. Please note that any associated travel costs will not be covered but we are open to hosting online and/or hybrid workshops.
Submissions must include:
An artist bio (150-200 words)
A CV that highlights artistic and professional achievements (max 3 pages)
A workshop description (150-200 words)
A materials list up to $100 and a detailed technical requirements list that considers low barrier access
A one page workshop proposal that includes:
Detailed skills and/or learning outcomes of the workshop
Proposed maximum number of workshop participants
Capacity for hybrid delivery
Intended skill level and expected technical expertise of participants
Support Material: Please include up to 5 images or a link of up to 5 minutes of video work to supplement your proposal either showcasing the product of the workshop or that demonstrates your practice.
Submissions should be compiled into a single .pdf file and labeled with your name eg: ArtistName_FCGMediaCollabWorkshopCall.
Deadline for submissions is February 28th.
Submissions must be emailed to the Media Collaboratory Coordinator Lianne Zannier:, if you have any questions regarding this call for submissions please don’t hesitate to contact Lianne.
We invite interested applicants to apply. Should applicants need any accommodations during the application they are encouraged to reach out to for alternative deliverables and/or support.
Forest City Gallery’s Media Collaboratory workshop series has been made possible through funding from The London Community Foundation’s Community Vitality Grant.
We are currently applying for project grants to expand our Colaboratory Offerings. Do you have suggestions for useful equipment and software? Let us know at​
Interested in becoming a FCG Member? Learn more here!
FCG's Collaboratory is Sponsored by