What is an Ombuds?
An Ombuds is an appointed neutral party who is meant to facilitate the informal resolution or concerns of employees, board members, and community members as they relate to an organization.
What does the FCG Ombuds do? What do they not do?
The role of the Ombuds at Forest City Gallery is to serve the director and other contracted employees of Forest City Gallery; board members of Forest City Gallery; general members of Forest City Gallery; and artists or arts workers exhibiting or contracted to perform services with/for/on behalf of Forest City Gallery in matters inclusive of but not limited to:
Conflict management
Policy interpretation
Option generating
Safety from retribution
Trend reporting
Engaging the Forest City Gallery Ombuds is completely voluntary and the Ombuds role is in place to ensure that all staff, board members, gallery members, and arts professionals are treated equitably and are given access to the required information to make informed decisions with no fear of retribution.
They Ombuds cannot independently:
Make decisions for the Board of Directors or director
Implement policy change
Receive notice for the organization
Provide legal advice
Advocate for parties
Arbitrate for parties
For more information on the Ombuds role, please refer to the Ombuds Charter.
What is the likely process for a claim?
Meet with the claimant.
The Ombuds make record of the claim.
The Ombuds will report anonymously to the Board of Directors and/or the Director of the Gallery.
The Ombuds and claimant will await the Board’s feedback on any matters requiring a decision.
The Ombuds will deliver the decision or relevant information to the claimant for option generating.
If or when necessary, follow up or actionable items will be outlined.
Expectations of the Ombuds
Due to the voluntary nature of the role as well as the voluntary nature of the Board of Directors at Forest City Gallery, there may be a slow turnaround time for email communication, with conversations around claims taking place at monthly Board or Executive Committee meetings.
If you are in need of immediate assistance during a crisis, please contact:
Anova 24 Hour Crisis Line: 519-642-3000 or 1-800-265-1576
First Episode Mood and Anxiety Program (FEMAP): 519-646-6000 ext. 65178
Contact Information
Forest City Gallery is currently seeking an individual to commit to a two-year role as our Ombudsperson. Learn more.