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Office Hours: FCG Director

January and February 2024
Currently booking on Thursdays between 3-5PM

Speak one-on-one with FCG Director Ruth Skinner on an arts topic or question, seek out practical advice on a grant or exhibition opportunity, or get helpful feedback on a project or application-in-progress. Office Hours are geared towards artists and arts professionals who are not currently enrolled in a post-secondary program, but anyone is welcome to sign up. These 25-minute meetings are carried out weekly on Zoom. 

Book your appointment here!

Thank You to our Funders 
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Forest City Gallery (est. 1973) is an artist-run centre located in London, ON.


FCG's programs and exhibitions are free and accessible to all thanks to the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, London Arts Council, and the London Community Foundation.


We are grateful to our artists, members, volunteers, donors, and community partners. Our operations rely on your generous and dedicated support.

Forest City Gallery
Follow Us:

Wednesday: 12 -5

Thursday: 12-7

Friday: 12-5

Saturday: 12-5

1025 Elias Street

London, ON N5W 3P6 (prev. N5W 5L1)


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